Content Marketing for Insurance

Summer’s here — and at QCC that means it’s time for a blog series. Last year, we did our Social Summer series as a way to explore six social platforms on an individual basis. This year, we’re getting even more granular and sharing industry-specific insights into the verticals we’re most familiar with. 

Because we love a challenge, we’re kicking things off with one of our most complicated niches: insurance. So, without further adieu, here are our top three content marketing tips for insurance providers and brokerages:

1. Develop a content marketing strategy around the insurance cycle

Timing is a critical consideration for any effective content marketing strategy, but it’s especially important for an industry like insurance. Why? Because insurance typically has a long sales cycle. Companies change insurance providers infrequently, and usually after a prolonged period of investigation and market research. However, when a company does make the decision to change insurance providers, they make that switch during predetermined renewal periods. For large companies, renewals typically happen in June. Medium-sized companies tend to renew during September, and smaller companies toward the end of the year.

Savvy insurance companies make sure to tailor their marketing efforts accordingly and push renewals-relevant content during these key points in the year. For example, we recently helped our insurance client produce a piece about the most important questions to ask when looking for a new insurance solution — and strategically timed the publication date to coincide with the June renewal period. 

2. Take time to explain the complexities of insurance 

When we first discussed the idea of taking on a client in the insurance sector, Theresa and I were more than a little trepidacious. As this client affirmed in our first meeting, insurance is inherently “esoteric” — which has since been my go-to word to describe the difficulty of capturing the nuances of insurance in compelling content. Difficult, but not impossible.

The key here is not to make any assumptions about your audience’s knowledge base. Taking time to define terms and explain structures — even if they might seem obvious to your team — is a great way to make insurance more approachable and accessible to a wider audience. 

Pro tip: A standard SEO best practice that is especially handy for insurance content is to put yourself in the perspective of a prospective client. What are they Googling, and why? If your content can answer these questions, your chances are of landing on the first page of search results are better

Quiet Corner Communications delivers exceptional value as an outsourced social media and content production solution. With Quiet Corner’s support, Allegiant’s online engagement levels have increased dramatically as has our brand awareness within our target market. We are very fortunate to have Quiet Corner as a partner in the growth and increased visibility of our business.
— Jay Bride, CEO, Allegiant Global Partners

3. Rely on the value of expertise

Content marketing and trust go hand-in-hand, and nothing builds trust quite like an industry expert. Chances are, some of those experts are already on your team. Thought leadership featuring your team’s best and brightest subject matter experts (SMEs) is a great way to demonstrate everything from credibility and experience to problem-solving skills, network connections, and proprietary knowledge. 

Take things a step further and get creative with how you package insights from your SMEs. Thought leadership can be more than just a blog post or white paper. Insurance-specific examples include:

  • Featuring insightful quotes in social posts — bonus points if the format is a short video clip (and by bonus points, I mean better engagement) 

  • Offering commentary on timely events, like having your risk management SME repost a news article about the latest natural disaster along with their insights and/or relevant resources

  • Scheduling a Reddit AMA in r/Insurance or r/AskReddit in anticipation of renewal or enrollment periods 

Refine your insurance organization’s content marketing strategy

If you’re in the insurance sector and need some extra help developing and/or executing your content marketing strategy, Quiet Corner Communications is uniquely positioned to lend a hand. Contact us today for a complimentary consultation. 


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